GBK's Natural Resource Management Services Include:
Following an initial survey whereby invasive salt cedar (tamarisk) was surveyed and identified on over 90,000 acres of rangeland at Fort Sill, GBK was tasked with performing an eradication action. Eradication efforts concentrated on Fort Sill's east range where the vast majority of growths (1000+) had been discovered and recorded with handheld GPS dataloggers. Team members qualified as certified pesticide applicators and service technicians in accordance with ODAFF requirements for commercial pesticide applicators. Field teams returned to the ranges where they treated the growths with a mix of 1% Habitat herbicide in water with a 0.5% surfactant using portable spray tanks with handheld pressure sprayers rigged to All-Terrain-Vehicles . Up to 150 gallons of herbicide mix were applied per day. Pesticide treatments were stored according to code on site and full records were kept. Treated salt cedars were GPS logged and marked with orange marking paint to prevent unnecessary retreatment. Eradication was performed in a number of lakes where salt cedar was found. Field teams were able to reach the growths using a small propeller boat to perform eradication. All salt cedar identified on the ranges during the initial survey were treated over a three month period.
Some milestones and deliverables included: